Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Rant On Kids These Days

    Back in my day, we never had all these electronic 8 track players. Kids these days are spoiled rotten, coruppting the youth, and polluting the planet with their fast, obnoxious cars, spreading cancer around like nothing with the cellular devices. My name is Luther, im 76years old. And i HATE the kids of this century. Back in the day we had to work for every penny, pay for everything. Hell. I didnt even finish high school cause i had to work. I was addicted to coca-cola when it had cocaine in it, becuase it wasnt advertised. Now a days, they have those fancy energy booster drinks. These kids are so rude to their elders we deserve respect, we faught for the country it is today. All these ungrateful little bastards need to snap out of it and earn some respect for their elders, aswell as follow the rules.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

In the book "The Art Of Racing In The Rain" The quote "The classic races are the best, and I especially like Formula One. I like nascar too[...]" pg 18.
 I have chosen this quote because it reminds me of my childhood. When my dad worked all week, and then on saturdays we would watch cartoons together. But sundays, sundays were NASCAR days. My dad and I would sit there all day, watching the cars go around the track, over and over again. Hitting the pit stop every once in a while. Him with his beer in hand, and my with my juice box in hand. It really made me connect with how Enzo feels when him and Denny watch the races together. This story really gives me an idea of what its like to be a dog, they can see and understand everything, smell when somethings wrong. But they cant say anything, other than a bark.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Super Power

We have been asked the question of which super power we would like to posses in our everyday lives. I have chosen the superpower to make the best sandwhiches in the world, and teleport. With the superpower i will cure many of the worlds food shortages, and also feed the homeless. I will have a sidekick named "The Kid Sandwhich" his super powers will be to make the best burger around the world. Another thing i can do with this power is feed all the starving animals, so they will become my pets and help me fight crime around the world. Together the animals, myself and The Kid Sandwhich will rule the world.